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PHY 2053C - Coll Physics I w Algebra Trig |
Prerequisite: High school trigonometry or MAC 1114 or MAC 1147 with a minimum grade of C.
PHY 2053C is the first course of a two-semester sequence in introductory physics. It covers fundamental principles of mechanics, fluids and thermal physics. Offered primarily for students majoring in information technology, the biological sciences and pre-health profession. This course fulfills the general education science core requirements. (Special Fee: $73.00)
4.000 Credit hours 3.000 Lecture hours 3.000 Lab hours Syllabus Available Levels: Credit Schedule Types: Apprenticeship, Combined Class/Lab, Individualized Learning, Mediated Learning, Classroom Section, Individualized Learning, Mediated Learning, Directed Independent Study, Laboratory, Internship Science Division Physics Department Course Attributes: AA Science Requirement, A-R Indicator for A & P Course, AS Math/Science Requirement, Science Core Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Colleges: Post Secondary Vocational Advanced and Professional Prerequisites: Prep Mandate System General Requirements: ( Rule: PREPS MET: All prepwork has been met for a total of 1 conditions ) and ( May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( May not be taken concurrently. ) End of rule PREPS MET or Rule: COMM/EAP: Communications/EAP Requirement for a total of 1 conditions ( EAP Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: LMTC Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: EXEN May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: WVRE Minimum Grade of D May be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0027C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: ENC1 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: ENC2 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: GRHM Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: GREG Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( IDH 1110 to 1111 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S01 440 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( HSRD 777 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FCTR 355 to 999 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0015C to 0027C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( LOEP 116 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0007C to 0017C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( LOEP 116 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0015C to 0027C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENTV 1 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0007C to 0017C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENTV 1 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0015C to 0027C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( T02 530 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0007C to 0017C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( T02 530 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0015C to 0027C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( T03 197 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0007C to 0017C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( T03 197 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0015C to 0027C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( T04 71 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0007C to 0017C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( T04 71 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CRRE 1 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FCBW 1 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CRWR 1 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FCBR 1 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0015C to 0025C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( C2LA 98 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0007C to 0017C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( C2LA 98 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0027C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0027C Minimum Grade of WW May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 103 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0002C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0017C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( REA 0007C to 0017C Minimum Grade of WW May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( T05 53 to 90 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0015C to 0027C Minimum Grade of WW May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( T05 0 to 90 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1460 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EBRW8 430 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EBRW10 430 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EBRWQ 430 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FSAE 1 to 5 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1640 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0012C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 0025C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S14 25 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1620 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP 1625C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CLTVRG 38 to 80 May not be taken concurrently. ) End of rule COMM/EAP and Rule: MAND SLS: SLS mandate for a total of 1 conditions ( May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( SLS 1122 Minimum Grade of D May be taken concurrently. ) and ( EAP May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: ENC1 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S02 440 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTA 72 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: GREG May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTR 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTW 83 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: GRQN May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A02 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: ENC2 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A01 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A03 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S01 440 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ENC 1101 to 1102 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MAC 1105 to 2312 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MAT 1033C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FCTR 355 to 999 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FCTM 375 to 999 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: GRHM May be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: EXMT May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: HUMH May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: LMTM May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: WVRM May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: GREG May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( HSRD 777 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTR 106 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTW 99 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTM 113 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FC2R 262 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: SLS May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S15 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S12 480 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S13 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S11 490 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: GRMT May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( AAF 239 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGM 231 to 241 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR 245 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW 200 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A41 17 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A42 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A43 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGM2 241 to 260 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGR2 253 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGW2 200 to 300 May not be taken concurrently. ) End of rule MAND SLS and Rule: MATH: Math Pre/Co- for Mandates for a total of 1 conditions ( May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MAT 0020 to 1033 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MAT 0020C to 1033C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MAT 0012C to 0029C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( A02 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( FCTM 375 to 999 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S02 440 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CPTA 72 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: EXMT May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: LMTM Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: WVRM Minimum Grade of D May be taken concurrently. ) and ( May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: GRMT Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: GRQN Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( HSRD 777 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( Course Attribute: HPMT Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTM 114 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MAT 0055 to 0056 Minimum Grade of WW May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MAT 0055 to 0056 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MGF 1106 Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTM 96 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( STA 1001C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTM 96 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( STA 1001C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PRTM 96 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S12 480 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( S15 24 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MAT 0018C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MGF 1106 Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( MAT 0018C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( STA 1001C Minimum Grade of WW May be taken concurrently. ) and ( STA 1001C Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( MGF 1106 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGM 242 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PSAT8 480 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PSAT10 480 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( PSATMQ 480 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( A42 19 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( ANGM2 261 May not be taken concurrently. ) and ( CLTQR 16 to 40 May not be taken concurrently. ) End of rule MATH Prerequisites: PHY 2053C Prerequisite General Requirements: ( Course or Test: MAC 1114 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( Course or Test: MAC 1147 Minimum Grade of C May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( TRIG 4 May not be taken concurrently. ) or ( AAF 275 May not be taken concurrently. ) |
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